Working Papers and Pre-Prints

Intervention effects based on potential benefit
Alexander Levis, Eli Ben-Michael, Edward Kennedy

Statistical methods to estimate the impact of gun policy on gun violence
Eli Ben-Michael, Mitchell L. Doucette, Avi Feller, Alexander D. McCourt, Elizabeth A. Stuart

Does AI help humans make better decisions? A methodological framework for experimental evaluation
Eli Ben-Michael, D. James Greiner, Melody Huang, Kosuke Imai, Zhichao Jiang, Sooahn Shin

Temporal Aggregation for the Synthetic Control Method
Liyang Sun, Eli Ben-Michael, Avi Feller

Using Multiple Outcomes to Improve the Synthetic Control Method
Liyang Sun, Eli Ben-Michael, Avi Feller

Bayesian Safe Policy Learning with Chance Constrained Optimization: Application to Military Security Assessment during the Vietnam War
Zeyang Jia, Eli Ben-Michael, Kosuke Imai

Estimating Racial Disparities in Emergency General Surgery
Eli Ben-Michael, Avi Feller, Rachel Kelz, and Luke Keele

Safe Policy Learning under Regression Discontinuity Designs with Multiple Cutoffs
Yi Zhang, Eli Ben-Michael, Kosuke Imai

The Balancing Act in Causal Inference
Eli Ben-Michael, Avi Feller, David Hirshberg, José Zubizarreta

Safe Policy Learning through Extrapolation: Application to Pre-trial Risk Assessment
Eli Ben-Michael, D. James Greiner, Kosuke Imai, Zhichao Jiang


Optimizing Language Models for Human Preferences is a Causal Inference Problem
Victoria Lin, Eli Ben-Michael, Louis-Philippe Morency
UAI 2024

Approximate Balancing Weights for Clustered Observational Study Designs
Eli Ben-Michael, Lindsay Page, and Luke Keele
Statistics in Medicine 2024+
Journal Site arXiv

Policy Learning with Asymmetric Counterfactual Utilities
Eli Ben-Michael, Kosuke Imai, Zhichao Jiang
Journal of the American Statistical Association 2024+
Journal Site arXiv

Multilevel Calibration Weighting for Survey Data
Eli Ben-Michael, Avi Feller, and Erin Hartman
Political Analysis 2024
Journal Site arXiv

Text-Transport: Toward Learning Causal Effects of Natural Language
Victoria Lin, Louis-Philippe Morency, and Eli Ben-Michael
EMNLP 2023
Conference Proceedings arXiv

Using Balancing Weights to Target the Treatment Effect on the Treated when Overlap is Poor
Eli Ben-Michael, and Luke Keele
Epidemiology 2023
Journal Site arXiv

Interpretable Sensitivity Analysis for Balancing Weights
Dan Soriano, Eli Ben-Michael, Peter Bickel, Avi Feller, and Sam Pimentel
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A 2023
Journal Site arXiv

Varying Impacts of Letters of Recommendation on College Admissions:
Eli Ben-Michael, Avi Feller, and Jesse Rothstein
Annals of Applied Statistics 2023
Journal Site NBER arXiv

Is It Who You Are or Where You Are? Accounting for Compositional Differences in Cross-Site Treatment Variation
Benjamin Lu, Eli Ben-Michael, Avi Feller, and Luke Miratrix
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 2023
Journal Site arXiv

Estimating the effects of a California gun control program with Multitask Gaussian Processes
Eli Ben-Michael, David Arbour, Avi Feller, Alex Franks, and Steven Raphael
Annals of Applied Statistics 2023
Journal Site arXiv

Hospital Quality Risk Standardization via Approximate Balancing Weights
Luke Keele, Eli Ben-Michael, Avi Feller, Rachel Kelz, and Luke Miratrix
Annals of Applied Statistics 2023
Journal Site arXiv

Problems with evidence assessment in COVID-19 health policy impact evaluation: A systematic review of study design and evidence strength
Noah Haber, Emma Clarke-Deelder, Avi Feller, Emily Smith, Joshua Salomon, Benjamin MacCormack-Gelles, Elizabeth Stone, Clara Bolster-Foucault, Jamie Daw, Laura Hatfield, Carrie Fry, Christopher Boyer, Eli Ben-Michael, Caroline Joyce, Beth Linas, Ian Schmid, Eric Au, Sarah Wieten, Brooke Jarrett, Cathrine Axfors, Van Thu Nguyen, Beth Ann Griffin, Alyssa Bilinski, Elizabeth Stuart
BMJ Open 2022
Journal Site

Synthetic Controls with Staggered Adoption
Eli Ben-Michael, Avi Feller, and Jesse Rothstein
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 2022
Journal Site NBER arXiv

The Augmented Synthetic Control Method
Eli Ben-Michael, Avi Feller, and Jesse Rothstein
Journal of the American Statistical Association 2021
Journal Site NBER arXiv

A trial emulation approach for policy evaluations with group-level longitudinal data
Eli Ben-Michael, Avi Feller, and Elizabeth Stuart
Epidemiology 2021
Journal Site arXiv

Layoffs and the mental health and safety of remaining workers:
a difference-in-differences analysis of the US aluminium industry
Holly Elser, Eli Ben-Michael, David Rehkopf, Sepideh Modrek, Ellen A Eisen, Mark R Cullen.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2019
Journal Site

Open Source Software

augsynth: R package for augmented synthetic controls and synthetic controls with staggered adoption

multical: R package for multilevel calibration